Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

Graffiti Styles

Today, graffiti is considered a form of art which is primarily used to express social or political views. The word originates from Italian and literally means scratched. Even in ancient times, graffiti was used as we can see in cave drawings, ruins, sepulchers and even pictographs. Some languages have originated for graffiti. One example is the Safaitic language, which is an ancient Arabic dialect. The first modern graffiti style of writing was found in ancient Greece, in the city of Ephesus. This city is today located in Turkey. Similar sites have been found in Guatemala and Ireland. Many people think that this art of writing is a complete waste of time and is not an art at all. However, this style helps us to understand the modern lifestyle and language. Writings invariably showcase the social condition in any era, and this style actually helps to showcase the mood of a particular period in history throw its graphical depictions. In today's world, this style of writing is seen as street art and has huge potential. However, defacing public property with this art or writing offensive messages is a crime and you should never indulge in it. You can write in this style using chalk, spray paint, pastels or sparkles, but one of the most beautiful work of art can be created in the following manner. First write the text in a fluid motion not sticking to any convention, uniformity or spacing between letters. Then thicken the letters by using double lines or making them into blocks. You can add a bit of artistry here by allowing the letters to overlap. Each letter should be legible but should not be a separate entity. If you want, you can patterns to the letters while writing. Some common patterns used are serif or simple tail lines. However, if you use shadow lines, you can really bring out the written text to the forefront. You can use shadowing only on one side of the letter or add a shadow on every alternate letter on both sides. The choice is yours. Some graffiti artists use geometric shapes in such a way that they end up reading as text.
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles
Graffiti Styles

Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

Graffiti Flowers

Graffiti is a visual practice of expressing oneself through writing letters or drawing pictures on the wall. It is accepted as an art by some circles but considered as vandalism by some others. When we consider the shapes plotted in the walls of the craves in the ancient time, we can say that this way of expressions can go back to the primitive ages. But the impetus for modern graffiti as the art of drawing on the walls was the hip-hop youth subculture which appeared in 1970s in the USA. By doing all these work, the graffitists who define themselves as street artist, aim to communicate their feelings and ideas to the public. They also regard their art has the mission to beautify the community by adding aesthetic with their colorful designs and messages. A vast majority of graffiti artist prefer to hide their identity, but instead use nicknames and add symbols and interesting pictures to their signatures which can be numerical symbols and logos. Over the time, the dimensions of the letters used has been grown and the inner side of the letters has been filled with figures. Unique writing styles with special color preferences has been emerged.
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers
graffiti flowers
Graffiti Flowers